In 2014 Std won a major contract with PEABODY COAL COMPANY and five new labs were added to company’s locations. They included:

NARM of Wright, WYO headed by Jeremy Burks

NARM North of Wright, WYO headed by Kathy Holt

Caballo of Gillette, WYO headed by Mike Just Rawhide of Gillette, WYO headed by Ronda Godfrey

Twentymile of Oak Creek, COLO headed by Jessica Hogue and later by Samuel Ortiz who is the current manager

Both of the NARM laboratories are now managed by Steven Johnson and Caballo and Rawhide, now designated as Peabody’s North Complex, are both managed by Billie Leeper.

An April QAR board meeting lead to a discussion of Rich Wilburn selling his interest in the partnership. A deal was competed in this same year.

This same year Brian Koster came on board to replace his dad, Ron Koster, from just obtaining his CPA certification. Ron had been with company since 1975 as Chief Financial Officer. Ron agreed to stay partially active for two years and even now does some work for Standard Properties, an entity in which he was a partner with Troy Stallard to fund some of Std Lab properties.