Std Labs acquired Gould Energy in 1992 after a long and successful relationship with its owner Gregory Gould. Gladys Berchtold and Greg had been participants in ASTM for many years dating back to the 1960s and had actually formed a partnership called United Technical Service Laboratories in 1975 to joint market their capabilities.
Troy Stallard and Greg in the 1980s also formed a partnership to provide a nuclear coal stockpile inventory service and hired a manager who was later thought to be somewhat less than satisfactory in his performance. At any rate after only a couple of years the joint venture was terminated without loss of goodwill on the part of Gould Energy or Std Labs.
In 1992 Greg decided to retire from the day to day running of laboratories and concentrate on his consulting business consisting mainly of bias testing and fuel quality control services for a number of public utilities in the eastern United States.
At this time Gould Energy was comprised of Fuel Engineering of New York, Warner Laboratories of Cresson, PA and St Louis Energy and Environmental Services.
Consequently, Std Labs purchased laboratories in Cresson, Pa. and Gormania, Wv. Fuel Engineering’s lab in New York and the satellite facility in St Louis were closed.
This acquisition provided Std Labs not only access to the Pennsylvania and northern West Virginia markets, but gave the company some outstanding managerial and technical talent. Steve Miladinovich was made manager of Std’s western division and became one of the finest managers ever in the Std Labs system. He has actually grown to dominate the Western coal fields by providing excellent customer service and very high quality analytical results. Steve is very responsible for much of the growth and reputation of Std Labs.
Tom Righnour was a part of the acquisition as he was the Cresson lab manager. Tom has remained in that position and has led his team with success in a very difficult market.
The purchase also involved Vic Furtkevic, but after a short while he tried his hand in private consulting and then later was hired by Inspectorate.
Thus, the Gould Energy acquisition was a big step for Std Labs as it cemented its place in the eastern coal markets and increased its stable of outstanding managers.