A few years ago Todd and I were traveling back from a SAI board meeting in Hampton Roads, VA and in talking about old times in the company he suggested that I compose a history so that we could capture in writing the events that lead to our success. Obviously, with almost 75 years of existence the people with knowledge of the company’s history were becoming fewer and fewer. I took on this assignment not realizing how extensive and complex the work would be. After many hours and use of many documents and the memories of many people this website is the result. This is a living, on going effort and is intended to grow as the future unfolds.
All the people mentioned herein as well as all the current and former employees have contributed in so many ways to the success of Standard Laboratories, Inc. (herein after labeled “Std Labs”). They are a part of a large family, many thousands of Std Labs employees, who have made the world a somewhat better place because of their dedication to the proper and best utilization of a very precious natural resource.
We are also especially grateful for the Corporate Staff which over these many years have provided superb support for the management team. While there are too many to mention, a number desire special attention for their competence, long service and loyalty to the aims and goals of Std Labs. Becky Gainer in over four decades has performed a number of functions from answering the phone and sorting the mail to rising to the head of Human Resources activities making Std Labs a great place to work. Penny Bowers has also been the accounts receivables for a long period in a very demanding position. Debra Chastain now provides accounts payable expertise replacing Cindy Louther who was in that position for quite a few years. Other personnel having made special contributions include Karen Gallagher, Jan Yarbough, Heather Walden, Mark White, Rick Phelps and Kathy Sloan as well as a number of technical and IT personnel such as Dennis Funkhouser and Gary Jewel.
Most of the section on “The Early Years” was derived from the personal memory of the times, location and events by the principal author, me. Hopefully, these memories are an accurate portrayal of the actual events in their correct order. Other sections have a number of contributing authors having had direct knowledge of the events and personnel in their own particular areas of influence. These include Ron Koster, Rick Flesher, Don Merritt, Delano Thomas, Steve Miladinovich, Mick Samples, Steve Barnett, Todd Stallard, Allen Seaman, Kirby Martin, Paul Reagan and Ama Bentley.
This history does not describe the activities of a number of satellite labs which have been an important part of the Std Labs history. Satellite labs are facilities managed by supervisors who reported to a particular branch lab manager and generally consist of preparation and limited lab equipment organized to provide quick turnaround of results at customer facilities. Such labs have been located in West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Kentucky, Illinois, Indiana, and Oklahoma.